Cricket is a bat-and-ball sport contested by two teams, usually of eleven players each. A cricket match is played on a grass field, roughly oval in shape, in the centre of which is a flat strip of ground 22 yards (20.12 m) long, called a cricket pitch. A wicket, usually made of wood, is placed at each end of the pitch.
In cricket, there are nobases. Each batsman is standing at either end of a rec-tangular area in the middle of the cricket ground, kind oflong and thin like a bowling alley (not *that* long andthin). Here's where the real cricketers will get me: Ithink the central area, which is called the "pitch", isabout 66 ft. long and 10 ft. wide.
Batting is like this: one batsman receives the ball (I'llsay how very shortly) and hits the ball in any direction tothe outer part of the cricket ground. While the fieldsmenare chasing the ball and trying to throw it back to thecenter, the two batsmen *change places*. This scores onerun. If they have time, they change places again. Thatscores another run. If they have time, they change placesagain